Saturday, December 03, 2005

Sasquatch Development

---Sorry for the poor scans---
Here are some very rough sketches for a short story I abandoned, hopefully when I find the time I'd like to see it through.


A Mocha said...

Hi from Portugal!
very, very cool drawings, doesn't matter the scans. They are quite clear.
Creativity is in da house! :))
"see" you around

Philip Pignotti said...

me like! I love his big neckless head and the little guy is great too.

Ridd Sorensen said...

super cool sketches! i'd love to know more about this.

Steve said...

that guy would look great in 3d...

Kmann said...

he feels like a sasquatch lumberjack. I love the face. Lots of character.

Rob Lilly said...

Thanx you guys for the positive feedback. 3D mmmm...that's not a bad idea...

paublo said...

Wow, amazing stuff here Rob! I'd love to see some more development stuff on this.

MikeS said...

It's all great! Great blog Mr. Lilly! I love the teenage Sasquatch from one of your earlier posts! And thanks for the link. I appreciate it! Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Leo said...

Your stuff is SO great! You're definitely high on my List of Inspiring Peoples" Love those Sasquatch sketches...awesome, awesome characters! =)

Jeaux Janovsky said...

sas is freeking re-donk-ulously awesome!
keep up the good fight rob!!!

Pat Pakula said...

love that character! great drawings! can't wait to see what else you do with that guy.

Rob Lilly said...

Thanx gents! I

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.